Q & A

Membership benefit

Free membership is a lifetime system, no need to pay any fees. You can register as a general member (free member) after filling in the basic information.

You can enjoy the following general membership (free membership) benefits:

  • Read the free articles
  • Sign up for free activities

Paid membership is an annual fee system, after filling in the basic information, you can register and upgrade to a paid member by subscribing to the areas of interest (smart technology, net zero and carbon reduction, green energy industry, space industry, marine industry, defense industry), and completing the payment of subscription fees.

You can enjoy the following benefits during the membership period:

  • Read all industry-specific articles
  • No additional charge for paid activities
  • Guaranteed Seats for free activities

You can subscribe the following fields:

  • Smart Technology
  • Net Zero Emissions
  • Green Energy Technology
  • Space
  • Ocean
  • Defense

Subscription fee:

  • Paid membership requires annual subscription, you'll enjoy 12 months of paid membership privileges once payment has been received
  • Subscribe to your area of interest, the cost of a single field is NT$3,000/year
  • For subscriptions to more than four fields (including four), the total subscription amount is NT$9,900/year

Please Note:

  • The subscription fee is based on an annual subscription system, which is valid for one year. If there is a need to renew the subscription after the expiration date, please subscribe again.
  • *Due to the paid membership articles are the analysis and research output of our researchers, it is deemed to have accessed these articles after upgrading to paid membership. As such, there is no refund available once paid membership had been processed.